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P. K. Raju


This page includes the Table of Contents for Issue 18.3 (2017)

Article Details

Table of Contents
Author Biography

P. K. Raju

P.K. Raju is Thomas Walter Professor of Technology Management & Director of Auburn Engineering Technical Assistance Program in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Auburn University. He is in charge of editing this journal. Dr. Raju has directed and managed a variety of sponsored research and development projects. These projects have dealt with different aspects of acoustics, vibration, noise control, non-destructive evaluation, and engineering education. These projects have been funded by industries (John Deere, Louisiana Pacific Corporation, Wheelabrator, American Gas Association) and government and international agencies (UNDP, NASA, NSF, DOD, DOE, NIST) and totals over $4.1 million. Dr. Raju has authored or edited 18 books, published five book chapters and has published a total of 129 papers in journals and conference proceedings. He also is the co-author of eight books on engineering management published by Taveneer Publishers in 2000 and 2001. Dr. Raju is a member of the ASME, ASEE, INCE, ASA, ASNT, INCE. He served on the executive committee (1992-1996), and as Chairman of the ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division (1996-1997), and served as Assistant Vice President Region XI (1994-1995). He also served as president of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars (1996- 1997). He could be contacted at [email protected].